Hello interweb!

February 18th, 2009 | Tags: ,

Welcome to my weblog! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything blog-like, and with the recent release of WordPress 2.7 and eventually having to incorporate it’s use on a work project, I’d thought I’d give it a try again.  Again, meaning I’ve tried it before and I got too lazy to update it.  Jimmy Li is my alias I go by for web development testing, and eventually what a few of my co-workers began to call me (mostly the evil side of me).

I will try to write mostly about various things and thoughts going on at the moment. Most of them will probably be in the technology sector, but I don’t want to limit myself to only that and also try to write about other things I do and places I’ve visited.

Currently, the website is fairly empty without a proper About page, and the blog template I’m using was designed by someone else, but over time I hope to learn more about the internal workings of WordPress and attempt to design a template of my own and figure out how plug-ins work.

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